Online Medical Training

Online Medical Training

USFC's localized trainingDespite the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s estimated that 75 million US employees continued their work from home in 2021. Similarly, United Surgeons for Children has adapted to these changing times. As a result of the pandemic we found new ways to use our remote tools, such as ECHOES® in our online medical training programs. Learn how these tools have helped make our mission run more efficiently.


Where we work

Due to the pandemic, travel to other countries is quite difficult. Unfortunately, this is an important aspect of our work at USFC. In response, we’ve found ways to adapt to the times, through the organization of virtual medical training programs. Specifically, we offer continuing medical education online in the following countries:

  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Benin
  • Burkina Faso
  • Cambodia
  • Guinea
  • Ivory Coast
  • Madagascar
  • Mali
  • Mozambique
  • Senegal
  • Vietnam

Why Remote Medical Training Is Needed

Unfortunately, nearly 1 in 10 patients that we encounter at USFC have been previously misdiagnosed. Of course, equipment, staff, and resources can be wasted when the problem isn’t diagnosed properly. Furthermore, the children at stake are left untreated. This is why a proper diagnosis is so important. However, a proper diagnosis can only be made with proper training. This is why our innovation team has embraced technology to carry out our mission. Here are some reasons why technology is crucial to our mission.

Online Medical Training Helps You Do More in Less Time

Under normal conditions, USFC travels thousands of miles and many hours to get where we’re needed most. However, sometimes, under certain conditions, we’re not able to do so. For example, our missions to Bangladesh were stopped in March 2020 due to border closures. As a result, we had to adapt our programs and continue to carry out our activities. Through our partnership with Friendship, a local organization, we were able to provide continuing medical education online for local healthcare workers.

USFC’s Virtual Medical Training Gives Local Hospitals Access to World Renowned Doctors

There’s a famous quote that says if you give someone a fish, they eat for a day. However, if you teach them to fish, they eat for a lifetime. Certainly, surgical missions on location help to make an immediate impact. With that being said, it’s of greater importance to ensure that local medical teams are trained and empowered to care for their local population. Through our online medical training programs, we pass along skills that local medical communities can use for a lifetime.

Our team of volunteer surgeons, doctors, nurses, and staff who participate in the virtual medical training programs have decades of experience in the medical field. Consequently, they’ve had a chance to encounter all types of patients and pathologies. Through our virtual training programs, these doctors help local staff make proper diagnoses and treatment plans. By sharing this knowledge and experience, local healthcare workers are educated and empowered.

About our Remote Medical Training Programs

How We Help

Above all, United Surgeons for Children wants to help save the lives of children in need. Therefore, we’ve built our mission around on-location and remote training for local medical staff. As a result, local medical professionals are empowered and health facilities are sustainable. Simultaneously, patients can receive the care they need in their home countries.

How the ECHOES® Program Supports Our Continuing Medical Education Online Mission

In response to the travel restrictions imposed by COVID-19, USFC has expanded the use of our ECHOES® platform. Through this platform, USFC helps to connect doctors with fewer resources to highly trained specialists.

Once a week, our network of doctors offer remote ultrasound consultations with local healthcare workers at USFC partner hospitals in Africa and Asia. ECHOES® ultrasound screenings are used for cardiac care and OB-GYN screenings. Consequently, ECHOES® enables us to increase our diagnostic efficacy while eliminating travel costs. Simultaneously, it gives doctors the opportunity to train alongside specialists without leaving their country.

Efficiently Managing Patient Data for Proper Care

In addition to ECHOES®, our innovation department has helped local hospitals connect with a complex patient monitoring system. As a result, we’re able to better track the children who are screened and treated at USFC partner hospitals.

Due to the nature of our work, we collaborate with many entities when it comes to patient care. In addition to local hospitals, we also work with other NGO’s & collaborators. Therefore, patient monitoring is so important. Fortunately, this software allows for a secure, centralized location where patient data can be stored and reviewed for easy access.

How You Can Support USFC

Together with our team of experts, we want to help make the world’s most vulnerable children healthier. In addition to our online medical training programs, we also carry out other missions. For example, we help perform surgery, supply medical equipment, and provide health education to populations in need. So, the best way that you can help is through a gift.

© Pascal Deloche / GODONG
United Surgeons for Children is a 501(C)3 nonprofit registered in the US under EIN 82-2702661.
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